Perseverance” was the inspirational word I
received during one of the sessions at the 2022 Women Of Purpose Conference. No one at the conference knew the traumatizing information I had just received just three weeks prior attending. I had been informed
by my supervisor that I was being released from my job, despite making tremendous improvements for the school district. However, during the conference, I also received a spoken word that helped me understand that God places us on "ASSIGNMENTS" that serve specific purposes in our lives, leading us through paths that create spiritual impacts on
others. Through the loss of my job, I learned that God had placed me in that specific area to prepare me to start my own business. I had a conversation with God and trustfully shared with Him that if starting this business was truly part of His plan for my life, I needed direction because, "I had tried this before and it didn’t work." I have learned through life’s experiences to stand on the Word of God. The
scripture that I apply to my life everyday that
helps me understand God's will for me is Psalm 1219:71, "It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn your statutes." This scripture, along with the inspirational word "perseverance", helped me understand God's assignment for my life at
that specific time, and I have learned to apply it daily. Trusting and believing in God for the things He laid out for me allowed me to start
Monumental Learning Consulting, LLC, on
July 4, 2022, one week after the conference. Each year that I attend this conference, God continuously reminds me that He has it all under control and is keeping me through every "ASSIGNMENT".
Dr. Jacqueline Boney Taylor
In 2023, the Lord blessed me to attend my first
woman’s conference led by my dear sister and friend, Evangelist Marcia Mallard. The
opportunity to be a part of this legacy and to sit under the teachings of some very powerful
women of God, simply did not dissapoint! The
women of God, that went forth, were all in tune with the message God needed them to
deliver. It was evident that they sought His will before they spoke to us. The overall experience allowed me to leave with some rich
and fulfilling spiritual moments that I am
able to reminisce on today, and tap into the
glory that God endorsed through His women as they imparted His word and
encouragement. I decided in 2022, that I was
going to miss my blessing even if I had to simply sow a seed into the ministry. I intend to
be counted in the blessings that would
would manifest from this investment. The
whole atmosphere was ALL God. I'm grateful
to have been able to participate then. and
I’m looking forward to what’s to come!!
T. Fadely
For the past 3 years, the Women's
Empowerment Conference (formally known as the WE Conference), now WE Summit, has been a much needed time of refreshing,
reflecting and empowerment. From the
morning and midday sessions to
the amazing and powerful night service, the Women of God have spoken into my life. It has all challenged me to go higher. My God! The love, the joy, and the harmony all flows through each day and every scheduled event.
The WE Conference has been my annual
retreat and opportunity to allow God to pour
into me while preparing me for the journey ahead. He has not disappointed me once. I am truly thankful for the vision that God has
given Lady Marcia Mallard and God willing,
this Summit will always be my Women's Ministry's annual retreat!
- First Lady April Cole, Cathedral of
Compassion Deliverance Church.
Walking in your divine Purpose... A theme
that has stuck with me since WE Conference 2022. This year's conference filled my
heart with joy and compassion. Women
gathering together laughing, talking, and
walking out their purpose in their fashion
sneakers on the runway made you realize
that there are still some beautiful souls (soles) in the world. The fellowship with these incredible women... from young to mature career women, entrepreneurs, corporate
women, etc. To see so many women come together to get everything the Holy Spirit
had for them was a beautiful sight. There
were power courses to give me the tools
I needed to walk through life knowing my
daily purpose. Since this conference so much
has shifted in my life. I'm walking in my
purpose. Sometimes I may not know what,
and, or how God is going to do it...BUT
“JUST SAY YES AND WALK “ is currently my
motivation to do what God is calling me to do.
B. Peters